Page 21 - FOERSTER_Detection_Geophysics_en
P. 21
On land On water In the air
The extensive range of FOERSTER detection products – FOERSTER sensors are supplied in several protection Weight-reduced magnetometer sensors with low power
the different sensors, network components, positioning classes, including watertight versions – of course with consumption form the basis for drone-based detection
systems and software for data acquisition and naviga- correspondingly qualified cable and connection tech- systems. The modest payload allows for long operating
tion – can be installed on vehicle-based carrier sys- nology. Also on water: Multi-channel sensor networks times and thus high productivity. Absolute magnetome-
tems and adapted to the operating conditions at hand. and higher vehicle speeds can significantly increase ters offer excellent measurement sensitivity, making it
Multi-channel sensor networks and the higher vehicle productivity without reducing detection performance. possible to reliably detect smaller ammunition objects
speeds associated with them can significantly increase The data acquisition software can be implemented on even from low-to-medium flight altitudes. These sys-
productivity without reducing detection effectiveness. the vehicle’s own computer and the sensors connected tems are very advantageous in areas that are otherwise
A wide range of accessories enables integration with a via standard interfaces. difficult to access or when operating under extreme
variety of customer-specific carrier systems. weather conditions.
Courtesy of RPS Energy Ltd.