Page 17 - FOERSTER_Detection_Geophysics_en
P. 17


                                                                                                               Courtesy of RPS Energy Ltd.
                This leads to a considerable increase in the daily out-  FEREX  PNC – Magnetometer network for   Drone (UAV)

                put in terms of the area surveyed. High detection rates   large areas                          This  drone  design,  qualified  by  FOERSTER,  accom-

                can be achieved even under adverse ground conditions,   The FEREX PNC probe network controller allows you   modates up to five absolute magnetometers to detect
                and the trailer’s robust build ensures that sensors and   to  build  a  network  of  up  to  16  FEREX  probes.  This   UXO. The data are acquired with a variant of the DATA-
                cables are always protected from harm.         greatly facilitates the surveying of large areas – both   MONITOR  3  software  built  into  the  UAV’s  computer.
                                                               on  land  and  on/under  water.  The  open  design,  which   Flight control and measurement data acquisition are
                                                               accepts GPS systems of different brands, in connec-  both supplied with high-precision position data by an

                                                               tion  with  the  DATAMONITOR  3  navigation  software   RTK-DGPS. The flight control system uses high-preci-
                                                               makes  the  FEREX  PNC  probe  network  an  ideal  solu-  sion sensors for position control, altitude measurement
                                                               tion for almost any kind of large-scale surveying and   and obstacle recognition – with the necessary redun-
                                                               detection.                                      dancies. After use, the measurement data is trans-
                                                                                                               ferred via USB and can be evaluated and documented
                                                                                                               using DATA2LINE.
                (3)   FOERSTER MULTICAT  4.850
                (4)   FEREX  PNC
                (5)   Drone (UAV)

                                               (3)                                                (4)                                          (5)
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