Page 13 - FOERSTER_Detection_Geophysics_en
P. 13


                terrain. The coil and control unit are supplied in a stur-  FEREX  4.035 – Detection made simple,   romagnetic objects. Due to its higher detection depth
                dy carrying case. The connecting elements are stowed   even at depth                           compared to EMI detectors, it’s also suitable for a wide
                in a specially made backpack.                  The FEREX 4.035 is the basic unit of the FEREX product   variety of other applications.
                                                               family. Ideal for the location of unexploded ordnance
                And  the  METEX  4.250  also  comes  ready  to  use  in  a   and contaminated sites in any terrain, it can be adapted   The MG-10-550 probe is characterized by its high sen-

                robust transport case. The device’s rigid coil is de-  to your immediate working conditions via different filter   sitivity and minimal noise. Surveying even under
                signed for safe use in harsh environments. An optional   modes and sensitivity levels.         high-voltage lines or along fences, pipelines and rail-

                wheel set allows for easy and fast handling by just one                                        way  tracks  is  no  obstacle  for  FEREX:  Special  filters
                operator.                                      The FEREX 4.035 fluxgate magnetometer detects dis-  ensure this.

                                                               turbances in the Earth’s magnetic field caused by fer-

                                                                                                                                               (3)   METEX  4.250
                                               (3)                                                                                             (4)   FEREX  4.035

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