Page 23 - FOERSTER_Detection_Geophysics_en
P. 23
Detection training field – Putting what you’ve learned Tailor-made training courses
into practice We offer many types of training – from standard cours-
So that you can try out the detection devices in an en- es for operators to training for trainers through to sem-
vironment as close to real life as possible, we’ve set up inars for the maintenance and repair of your FOERSTER
a special training field about a hectare in size. This is products. Naturally, the courses can be adapted to your
perfectly suited for practicing the theoretical and de- specific needs and coordinated thematically; they take
vice-specific learnings in realistic exercises. Using an place either at the FOERSTER headquarters in Reutlin-
underground tube system, detection objects are placed gen, Germany, or (on request) directly on your premis-
in defined positions in the ground; these must then be es. Trainers who are either FOERSTER experts or certi-
located with the appropriate search device. Different fied by FOERSTER ensure optimal knowledge transfer.
soil conditions simulate various usage sites around the Plus, we offer training in several languages, so you get
world, so that handling the detectors feels as real as the most benefit from the courses and are ready for im-
possible. All terrain points and positions are georefer- mediate use of your FOERSTER products.
At FOERSTER, not only do we integrate the terrain
training into our seminars, we also offer use of the
field to other companies and organizations. It provides
unique test possibilities: You can even devise your own
scenarios. Thusly trained under expert guidance, spe-
cialists can immediately apply their new knowledge to
anchor it in practice.