Page 5 - FOERSTER_Detection_Geophysics_en
P. 5


                                                               Precisely locate even the smallest metal parts   De-mining  is  dangerous  and  demanding  work,  but
                                                               The  “Ottawa  Convention,”  which  bans  anti-personnel   FOERSTER devices support you in the search for and
                                                               mines, came into force in 1999. It prescribes the de-  detection thereof: The MINEX was developed especial-

                                                               struction of existing stockpiles, a stop to the further   ly for finding buried ordnance. Even boggy or naturally
                                                               production and distribution of landmines, and the   mineralized, conductive soils can be reliably searched
                                                               clearance of deployed landmines. The treaty obliges the   and cleared, allowing contaminated areas to be repop-
                                                               signatory states to support affected countries in mine   ulated  and reclaimed  for agricultural  purposes.  Our

                                                               clearance.                                      products are tested and qualified according to interna-
                                                                                                               tional standards, and state-of-the-art microprocessor

                                                               The Convention has since been ratified by 164 states.   technology ensures precise analysis of the measure-
                                                               However, thousands of people – especially children –   ment signals and high detection reliability.
                                                               still die or are critically injured every year as a result of
                                                               a mine explosion. In Afghanistan, for example, some 10
                                                               million mines are said to still be buried.

                                                                                                    Landmine contamination

                                                                 > 100 km 2
                                                                 20 – 99 km 2
                                                                 5 – 19 km 2
                                                                 < 5 km 2
                                                                 Contamination present –
                                                                 extent unknown
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