Page 3 - FOERSTER_Detection_Geophysics_en
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                We bring the hidden to light                   One of FOERSTER’s core competencies is the produc-  Used as standalone devices or as complete detection
                Worldwide,  continents  and  oceans  bear  the  traces  of   tion of ultra-responsive sensor technology that can   systems, these products find application in a wide range
                past civilizations and conflicts: Wars leave their mark in   locate and reveal these relics. The company has de-   of geophysical exploration activities. The measurement
                the form of unexploded ordnance and minefields; con-  veloped a wide range of products based on the same   data provide you with the foundations for precise local-
                taminated sites and industrial wastelands pollute the   principles as those behind Prof. Friedrich Förster’s   ization of contaminated sites or ancient artifacts, and
                soil; and sometimes, one even finds the structures of   original  invention,  a  highly  sensitive  fluxgate  magne-  they form the basis for estimating the associated sal-
                long-ago settlements that can shed light on the societ-  tometer. These innovative instruments meet the exact-  vage effort. Archaeological treasures can thus be pre-
                ies and cultures of past epochs.               ing quality standards of our customers in the business   cisely recorded and documented.
                                                               of detection.
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